I awoke to silence, which is wonderful, yet frightening at the same time.
I approached the kitchen and found this....
...twins, sitting at the farm table spending "quiet time" with Jesus(my heart skipped a beat at this glorious sight).
And quiet time is not really "quiet time" unless you are in the know of where your beloved ones are. Thus, the beautiful blond girl, with her curling iron, etc., the six-shooter, and maglight,...
...the new grandbaby (the running joke in this house) snuggled safely in her stroller.
The house is clean, the laundry is almost all caught up, and since I don't have anything to do,...
...ok, who am I kidding? There are lesson plans to write, at least four hours of beautiful black curls to tame, and we probably need to eat today, but...
...today I will worship long with much music, a paintbrush, and powertools.
Jesus and I. He inspires, teaches, allows me freedom to create.
I love my time with Him.