...a suspension device,
...a pull-up bar,
...a compression swing,
...a punching bag,
...snack bowls,
...an australia,
...hooded blankets,
...an indoor trampoline,
...balls for bouncing,
...a trapeze bar,
...a kindness tree,
...stretchy bands,
...a sensory diet schedule,
...a treadmill for Momma.
All gifts-true helps for my sensory-seeking treasures, but even with all the prescribed tools, it's never truly enough; never the answer.
In this house, we are eagerly anticipating the Answer, the little One who left His magnificence, wrapped on human skin, entered this broken world as a tender babe.
The One who has experienced every emotion, every temptation, every trial (Hebrews 4:15) sympathizing with our weakness, without a single sin.
Because without Him, no man-made tool is effective.
We have been walking the truly hard for the past few weeks. And I find it no coincidence in His timing. During this season of advent, where we look to Him expectantly-for our hope, joy, purification, we need a reminder that He is the only Light, the true Light of the world.
And what better way than to lavish His love where they don't believe He will travel.
He is entering broken, fighting, hurting hearts in this house with His gentle whisper of the Gift.
The Savior born to love and rescue.
The Savior born to establish intimacy and relationship.
The little Babe that entered this world with full knowledge of the brokenness, and will not settle for the brokenness to remain.
The Bridegroom who gathers His chosen in close, walks the winding upward right beside, and never, ever refuses love to His fallen bride.
Yahweh, who wrote His letter of love, freely gave the Spirit to guide through the greatest tool available.
My mind ponders if two little six-year-olds can fully comprehend this Wonderful when my own mind can hardly grasp this Beauty, this Light.