Monday, July 29, 2013

Sir Kindly

Sometimes an adoptive momma prays the prayer and has to wait, anticipating with faith. She journeys down the truly hard with her precious one, clinging to Hope.

This sent in from an adoptive Momma, with a grace kiss long prayed for...

There was a little boy who came to a family so injured by life he did not know the right way to treat those around him.  When his anger emerged, he found animals the easiest to target.

One day the boy, not really knowing the difference between safe play and cruelty, terribly hurt little orange striped kitten.

Though normally the family could not affort to take an animal to the vet, Dad decided that the boy needed to learn an important lesson.

With the vet's instructions, little orange striped was sent home into the boy's care.  With help, he nursed the kitten, now christened "Sir Kindly", back to health.  He learned to care and hold Sir Kindly.  Maybe even to love him.  Sir Kindly loved him back.

This is the essay the boy wrote.

How to be Kind to Animals
"It is not kind to put cats in trash cans Because it isn't safe.
It is not safe to put ropes around cats necks Because it could choke them.
It is not good to be mean to cats Because you could hurt their legs or arms.
It is not safe to choke cats Because you could kill them.
It is not nice to hit cats Because they don't like it.
You can pet them the way they should be peted.
You can treat the way they should be treated.
You can play how they should be played with.  You can holed them the way they should be holed.
You can leave cats alone while they are sleeping so they can sleep.
You can pick cats up when they want you to pick them up."

The little boy is no longer quite as little.  He does not kick the barn cats, but holds them.  He is a boy, so he is not always careful, but he is no longer cruel.  Because old injuries do not heal easily, the boy still has a long journey ahead.  But he is learning to care.  He is learning to love.