Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Quiet Weekend

It's so quiet, it's deafening.

My dear sister picked up my fab four yesterday morning at 9:30.  I helped pack them in the car, strolled up the sidewalk waving kisses.  Entering the house, I closed the door behind me, glanced at my long to-do list, walked right into my bedroom and crashed.  A nap at 9:45 a.m., a luxury I can never remember indulging before, but oh, so needed.

I once read a beautifully written post of a Momma, who when walking around the corner into her kitchen found a massive mess of pots, pans, tupperware, silverware - and a little smiling toddler.  She found herself caught up with emotion at that moment, realizing that mess was a sure symbol of His faithfulness.  That mess meant that smiling toddler was there, present, and an answer to much, much prayer.

A few of this week's messes:  A penny in the belly of a 6-year-old.  A few less water mushrooms growing under the tree, also inbeaded in the belly of a 6-year-old and her dear twin.  A massive meltdown in Hobby Lobby.  Mud caked inside the air conditioner unit.  A new, must-be-replaced-today shower curtain.  A burnt bathroom rug. Sharpie marks on my calendar, and the kitchen counter.  A quilt pulled off the wall.  A new massive stain on the carpet. 

All sure symbols of His faithfulness - these four little treasures I prayed fervently for, messes and all.  They are here. They are present.

And this precious weekend He has given me two wonderful grace kisses - silence, and the anticipation of their return.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Matthew 6:21 (ESV Bible)