Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Invitation to Prayer for Adoptive Mommas

The Bucket List.  I remember writing mine twenty years ago.  I wrote a list of 20 have-to-do before I die activities, from a 20-year-old perspective.  I can't locate the list, by His divine plan, but I remember a few.  

Make a quilt.

Float through the air in a hot air balloon.  (Never going to happen).  :) 

Teach in my own classroom.


Have a baby.


Run a marathon. 

I guess the rest weren't really worthy ideas since my amnesic mind simply forgot.

So, with my big 40 approaching fast, the "run a marathon" dream has taken flight, and by His grace I am signed up, injury free, and in training.  My great friend Beth has accepted the challenge to run those early Friday morning long runs and complete marathon alongside me.  One thing I love about Beth is she is always up for a good cause.  And since this will probably be my one and only marathon, I want to run for a reason.  That is where you, the reader, and you, the chosen-by-Him adoptive Momma are invited to join us. 

You are officially invited to join us in a Prayer Pledge for Adopted Mommas. 

I need prayer!  Each and every day, as I live with my fabulous 4, I need prayer!  I know I am not alone.  I can almost see your ambitious, broken heart.  It isn't always how you dreamed or planned, is it?  Some of you adopted out of your heart's longing to cherish, nurture, love, and be loved.  Some of you adopted because God placed that precious one right in your lap and said, "This one."  Some of you adopted because you take the command of James 1:27 literally and answered His call. 

May I whisper one little thing to your heart?

"You are special." 

"You are chosen." 

"You have been called." 

"You are loved." 

"You are not alone."  

Ok, that was five whispers, but all accolades your Heavenly Father wants you to remember, and know, in the depth of your heart. 

Please pray.  I will be posting a new prayer request each day from a special adoptive Momma.  Our needs may be various, but we have the same Wonderful God, and sister, He is almighty (Rev. 1:8), full of purpose (Jer. 29:11), and He listens (John 9:31).  I am super excited and honored you are joining us.  Beth and I will be praying each day and together for each week's prayer requests in the breaking dawn hours of Friday morning.  Yesterday, June 17th, our training officially began.  We have 18 wonderful weeks of prayer until that October 20th marathon date.  Thank you for joining us. 

"And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
Luke 11:9-10 (ESV Bible)