Saturday, June 22, 2013

Covered Lips

The other day, I reached right down and covered her mouth. I noted that look in her eye, anticipated her words, and interceded.  Hurtful words had been spewing all morning from the girls in this house,  and quite frankly, I was tired of it.  Tired of the ugly. Tired of the disrespect.  Tired of the contention.  Tired of my reactions...

And in that brief moment, grasping her beautiful face, I imagined Him holding His hand right over my lips.  

How many words have I blurted without discernment? How many of my utterances have filled her mind, while the enemy swooped right in and whispered a lie? 

I'm guilty of listening to, believing those filthy lies.  The enemy is a master at twisting words into ugly and disrespect.  Isn't causing contention and celebrating antagonistic reactions his game? (2 Cor. 11:3)

She is so young and delicate; her emotions so easily swayed. 

I wish He would reach right down and cover my mouth  at His note of that glint in my eye, when He knows the words that will slip right out!  I long for His intercession.  I pray for a metamorphosis of my reactions. (James 3:1-12)

A smile emerged from underneath my palm.  Her eyes fixated on mine for a wonderful second.  We both felt the warmth of His touch.