I sat in darkness, waiting still in the theater seat, feeling His grip squeezing tight around my heart.
All my breath trapped within.
Joy never stopped smiling. Large, beautiful smiling.
Air finally escaped, and silent tears spilled over. I strained to focus, not wanting to miss a single step, a single movement.
And Joy danced. She danced with her whole body, her whole spirit, her whole heart.
And she never stopped smiling.
Even now as I type, I have to stop to refocus these blurred over eyes, wipe this sniffling nose.
My Joy. My beautiful, amazing Joy danced.
If you were blessed as I to be present in that theater at 2:25 this afternoon, you witnessed a true miracle today.
You saw a girl whose moves were not as graceful as the rest. She missed about half of the arm gestures, and her body didn't ever really align with the others on that stage. Her smile constant, she didn't once glance into the audience. She kept her focus fixed upon her peers, carefully mimicking each movement, a second delay with each gesture.
And if you don't have the pleasure of the acquaitance of wonderful Joy, you might have felt a twinge of sorrow, embarrassment for her perceived ackwardness.
But if you share in the cherished company of mine, and you know my wonderful Meekia Joy's journey, you remember there was a time when dancing was only in her imagination, motions her brain could dream up, yet her body could not physically accomplish.
And if you know me, you know why He was constricting my heart, taking all my breath away.
There are moments, beautifully orchestrated moments, uniquely designed to never forget.
Grace kiss moments that elicit streams of elation as His wonderful glory is revealed.
Meekia Joy dancing. My cup overflowing.
Thank You Jesus.