Tuesday, October 15, 2013

5 Days Left.....

Today I arose and met my precious ones showered and with a smile.  My kids gazed at me, a bit confused.

Ascending the stairs after our morning meeting, I stopped off in the laundry room and emerged wearing an apron.  The girls, with startled faces, asked, "What are you doing?" 

Evidently, my kids have gotten used to a sick momma, and are a bit shocked by their real momma's return.

Praise the LORD God, I am finally returning to my old, normal self! 

Thank you for answering my S.O.S. to pray, pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17).  I am so, so grateful for His Word, alive and true, written on my heart to cling to when there is nothing in me physically left.  And those five passages (Ps. 145:18, Heb. 4:14-16, Ps. 102:17-18, Ps. 55:16-17, and Ex. 20:5-6) are so dear; true Love speaking gently to the soul.

I am in awe of the power of prayer, and how He calls us to cry out to Him in all things, approaching His throne with hope and trust.  How He blesses us as we reach up high for each other, and heals our broken bodies (James 5:16). 

Thank you for praying for me.  :) 

And may I plead, please keep praying...

I admit, I am growing giddly inside. Only five days left before my 26.2 mile challenge.  I wish you could see my ear to ear grin and my hands clasped trying to keep all the bubbles contained. 

I. am. so. excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ash in the back has turned gold and the front maple is ablaze.  My phone predicts the weather to be a sunny 61 degrees.  He has planned this day, and I eagerly anticipate it's arrival.  I will run, through coughs and snot if necessary.  And I know He will run right alongside me, revealing His glory through His creation, and reminding me of you as I pray.

I have assigned a mile especially for you Marie, Ann, Faith, Sue, Michelle, Annette, Ann, Danielle, and a few more of you who have discretely asked for prayer. 

Am I leaving you out? Please email me, text me, or call me.  I have a few more miles to assign, and would feel so blessed to double up prayers for each mile.  He knows your need, and loves your prayers.  It is my honor to pray for you